Online Store Regulation Act
- In this Act the Buyer is the Legal Person or the Company. The Seller of the Products from the Online Store is FUNIT Krzysztof Tomasz Mroczek located at Niemirowska Street 1/29 02-921 Warsaw Poland NIP: 521-341-43-72 phone +48 605 031 632.
- The subject of the transaction is any item available in the Online Store under (let?s name it the webpage of Online Shop).
- All the prices are presented in Polish Złoty and include the tax, unless the offer sais something other. The prices given in the formula is committed starting the moment of the order submition. The prices of the products, that are not currently available, may change.
- The Seller reserves himself a right to change the prices in the offer, adding or removing items and make a promotion campaings.
- The orders may be placed by the Stores website 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The requirement to make the order is to fill in properly the Online Store Form on the Online Stores website. In example, the proper email address has to be provided, in order to make the seller able to send the object of the transaction and the payment has to be successfully made.
- The delivery of the object of the transaction is being performed by the e-mail. The ware will be send not later then 24 hours from the time of receiving the payment.
- The Seller does not take the responsibility for any mistake in the order, whereby the ware can not be delivered and also for any problems of the Byuers email account (i.e. when the inbox is overfilled or the antispam system filters out the Seller?s mails). However, the Buyer has always the opportunity to contact the Seller to try resending the ware.
- Providing the personal data is voluntary, but it is necessery to enter into engagement. The provided personal data are only used in the purpuse of realising the order. The personal data are being protected from general public (according Polish Laws from 29th September 1997 ?Law on Protection of Personal Data? (Journal of Laws No 133 pos. 883). The data will no be shared to any third party person.
- In case of any doubts concerning the offer presented on a webpage of Online Shop, problems in delivery, the quality or any other, please contact the Seller. The contact data are provided on the webpage of the Online Store under the ?Contact? tab.
- In case of any product defect found or the product will not be in conformity with the contract, the Buyer may compliant. In order to complaint, please contact by email of phone. The conditions to receive the usolicited are ? stopping using the ware, allowing the Seller to deactivate the ware and resending back all the received objects.
- In accordance with the Polish Law from 2nd March 2000 about the protection of consument rights and liability for damage by the dangerous product (Dz.U.[The law] 2000 No 22, pos. 271), the buyer may resign in any moment from the buying until the tenth day since becoming the sending without any explanation. This law however doesn?t apply in cases of: audio and visual recordings and other computer programs stored on data storage, after removing the oryginall package. Also it doesn?t apply in case of the wares, that because of it?s properties may not be returned or are getting broken fast. The conditions to receive the usolicited are ? stopping using the ware, allowing the Seller to deactivate the ware and resending back all the received objects.
- In case of payments done by Dotpay, the total PLN amount to be paid is being calculated based on Current NBP exchange rate(National Polish Bank).
- The transactions made by credit card or e-transfer are being performed by ?Centrum Rozliczeniowe Dotpay?.